Benefits Counseling
You may be wondering what will happen to your Social Security cash benefits, Medicaid, and medical coverage if you get a job. A number of special rules put in place by Social Security, called work incentives, are available to encourage you to try work. Work incentives have made it possible for many SSI/SSDI recipients to earn more than they ever thought possible. Our trained and certified Benefits Counselors, are available help you understand the impact of work on your personal circumstances.
A Benefits Counselor will show you how working will affect your Social Security cash benefits, your Medicaid, health benefits, and other services you might receive from your local or state government.
Additionally, as you search or achieve employment, you may want to have your ticket through the Ticket to Work program, assigned to an Employment Network. An Employment Network will provide ongoing benefits counseling support.
Contact us at today to see if benefits counseling is right for you.