Get ready for success.
Program Satisfaction
97% of consumers are satisfied with the service/program they are enrolled in according to their satisfaction survey.
Employment Plan Goals Met
99% of working consumers report that their goals identified on their employment plan have been met.
Wage Increases
95% of working consumers reported pay increases for the calendar year to date, as per their annual employment review.
DDD Plan Hour Tracking Met
95% of approved DDD annual plan hours have been adhered to

Creating the environment for success.
We believe in the inherent dignity of work and the ways in which work can change and enrich an individual’s life. If given the proper support, we believe that everyone has the potential to be successful in life.
It's our mission.
We help individuals develop the skills they need to become valuable workers and to find and keep jobs. We provide the support and tools that are necessary to not only enter the job market but to succeed.

The most meaningful way to succeed is to help others succeed.Adam Grant
Employment First in New Jersey
In April 2012, Governor Chris Christie made New Jersey an ‘Employment First’ state. It means that competitive employment is the first and preferred post-education activity for everyone, including people with disabilities.
During the announcement, the Governor said, “Everyone should have the opportunity to be productive, earn a living, and feel a sense of personal fulfillment from employment. …That’s why we’re working cooperatively with the private sector to ensure that people with disabilities are a seamless part of New Jersey’s workforce, with the independence and sense of community that comes from relationships developed inside and outside of the workplace.”
People with disabilities are a multi-skilled workforce resource for employers. An inclusive workplace promotes diversity, expands the tax base and creates an expanded pool of qualified candidates for available jobs. ‘Employment First’ is about creating an environment for individuals with disabilities that empowers them with choices for their future, reduces poverty, shrinks enrollment in entitlement programs, eases demand on state and community based social service agencies and provides workers with a sense of achievement.